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You're viewing Super Star Wars Cheat Codes

Game Name : Super Star Wars
System : SNES
Date Added : 2005-01-26 16:39:33
Views : 21292

Extra Continues
In the Title Screen quickly press A, B, A, Y, A, X. You will here Jawa yell. You will start with 8 continues.

Begin Game With Lightsaber
When the title screen appears, press Y, Y, X, X, A, B, X, A.

Sound Test
At any time during the game hold A + B + X + Y, while pressing START. If you enter and exit the Sound Test screen several times it will give you clues for other cheat codes.

Play Certain Stages With Invincibility
To play certain stages with invicibility, go to the title screen and press A, A, A, A, X, B, B, B, B, Y, X, X, X, A, Y, Y, Y, Y, and B on controller 1. Use controller 2 to play: during any sidescolling stage, hold select and then press and hold A, B, X, and Y. Release all the buttons and you'll be invincible for that stage!

Extra Lives
On the Tusken Raider level, make your way to the place where you have to jump on the falling rocks. Let yourself fall off the cliff and you will enter a little cove filled with extra lives. Get them all, then kill yourself to leave. Repeat as needed.

Blaster Powerups on First Level
destroy all the scorpions that come out of the first rock in the level. After you do this, a blaster power up will apear; repeat this process on the 8th rock but instead of scorpions, it will be womprats.

Game debug code
At menu screen type AAAAX BBBBY XXXXA YYYYB you should hear a jawa scream.

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